It may happen that you are dissatisfied with one of the employees or with our services. We strive to make healthcare as appropriate as possible for everyone and would like to hear from you if you have a complaint. It is of course best to report the complaint immediately to the employee or department concerned.

If you prefer to talk to the independent complaints officer, please write down your complaint so that we can contact you. This can also be done using this online form or by sending an email to with the subject complaint.

In the context of the Healthcare Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (WKKGZ), as a health center with general practitioners, we are affiliated with a SKGE disputes organisation and have an independent complaints officer. If we cannot reach a solution together and also after an appointment with our independent complaints officer, you can contact SKGE using the contact details below.

Foundation for Complaints and Disputes Primary Care
Box 8018
5601 KA Eindhoven

+31(0)40-212 27 80

E-mail address: 
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