The medical Team
The Janskerkhof General Practitioners office is run by enthusiastic doctors.

Our doctors are:

Mr EJ van der Scheer
Mrs M Kessing
Mrs S Janssen
Mrs SE Siemons

The assistents are:

Sonja Khansari
Mieke Kindt
Mariet Okkerman
Eunice Scheuer

Tailor made care
Next to our general medical knowledge, we specialise in student medical problems. Our opening hours are from 8 o'clock in the morning till 5 o'clock in the afternoon and together with our online services this means that you can always have easy and convenient access to the medical practice. All the doctors speak english fluently.

The practice is located at the Janskerkhof,Nobelstraat 2a 3512EN Utrecht (above Trainmore, entrance next to coffee bar Ludwig).

Our second location is located on the Campus "de Uithof" of the University of Utrecht in the Casa Confetti building Leuvenplein 10 3584 LA Utrecht (which is located next to the main university building at the Heidelberglaan 8)

The online services
online registration
online repeat prescription
online appointment/consultation
to update your registration information online

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